Taxes on production in New Zealand
By type (excluding GST), national accounts, year ended March 2023, NZD billions
Tax sub-type | NZD millions |
Earthquake and war damages levy | 583 |
Fire service commission levy | 667 |
Energy resources levy | 23 |
Road users charges | 1,457 |
Racing duty | 0 |
Excise duty on Alcohol | 762 |
Excise duty on Tobacco | 0 |
Excise duty on Motor vehicles | 0 |
Excise duty on Fuels | 5 |
Stamp duty on instruments | 0 |
Fringe benefit tax | 742 |
Fishing resources rentals & cost recovery | 41 |
Land tax | 0 |
Local authority taxes (incl. rates) | 8,073 |
Other central government receipts | 4,626 |
Taxes on Production and Imports: taxes that producers pay for the production, sale, purchase, and use of goods and services, and which add to the market prices of those goods and services. Includes goods and services tax, sales tax, local authority rates, import and excise duties, and fringe benefit tax.
Taxes on Production and Imports = GST + Import Duties + Taxes on Production (e.g. excise duties and levies) + Other Taxes on Production.
Taxes on Production and Imports are a component of the GDP (production measure) and of the National Disposable Income.
GDP = Compensation of employees + Gross operating surplus + Taxes on production and imports - subsidies.
National disposable income = Compensation of employees + Gross operating surplus + Taxes on production and imports - subsidies +/- Compensation of employees from the rest of the world (net) +/- Investment income from the rest of the world (net) +/- Current transfers from the rest of the world (net) - Consumption of fixed capital.
For more information
Changes to data collection/processing
The annual national accounts (income and expenditure) release has in the past combined provisional data (latest March year t) and balanced data (t-1 and prior) together in the same release. From the 2022 release, the national accounts (income and expenditure) release will contain final data only for balanced years (t-1 and prior) and will no longer include the latest provisional March year (t). This is with the exception of the capital stock series that will continue to be published as usual.
Data provided by
Dataset name
National Accounts (Income and Expenditure): Taxes, Year Ended March 2024
How to find the data
At URL provided, download 'National accounts (income and expenditure): Year ended March 2024 – CSV' – zipped file and open 'na-nov2024-taxes-csv' file.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: National Accounts (Income and Expenditure): Taxes, Year Ended March 2024
From the dataset National Accounts (Income and Expenditure): Taxes, Year Ended March 2024, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-682
- Column: 3
- Provided: 681 data points
This data forms the table National Accounts - Taxes on production and imports by type 1987–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
November 15, 2024
About this dataset
This release is part of the suite of national accounts statistics that reflect the New Zealand economy. It provides production, income and outlay, and capital accounts for the nation and the six sectors of the economy: producer enterprises, financial intermediaries, government, non-profit institutions serving households, households, and the rest of the world.