Applicants granted a rates rebate by Buller District Council, New Zealand
Year ended June 2007–2023
The following information applies to all values in the table.
Territorial authority: Buller District Council, Measure: Rates rebates granted by DIA, Unit: Claims
The Auckland Council was formed on 1 November 2010 with the amalgamation of the Auckland City, Auckland Regional, Franklin District, Manukau City, North Shore City, Papakura District, Rodney District and Waitakere City Councils. The financial year ending 30 June 2012 is the first full year for which rates rebate data is available for the Auckland Council and “NZ excluding Auckland”.
This dataset includes the number of applicants granted a rates rebate and the total value of rates rebates granted.
Method of collection/Data provider
This information was collected from the Electronic Rebate Management System database (the database) managed by the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department).
The database is populated with information taken from each rates rebate application granted by councils and uploaded to the database. The information has been taken as reported from these sources.