Employees in all industries in New Zealand
By business type, as at February 2024, number of employees
Business type | Number of employees |
Individual proprietorship | 16,000 |
Partnership | 35,200 |
Registered limited liability company (non co-op) | 1,776,100 |
Co-operative company | 11,600 |
Joint venture and consortium | 15,700 |
Branch of company incorporated overseas | 15,900 |
Government-owned trading entity | 44,100 |
Central government | 376,500 |
Local authority trading enterprise | 17,000 |
Local government | 39,900 |
Incorporated and unincorporated society or association | 58,900 |
Charitable trust | 69,100 |
Trust or estate | 22,300 |
Other business types | 2,350 |