ACC claims for dog-related injuries in the Kāpiti Coast District, New Zealand
Year ended June 2001–2018, number of new claims
Year ended June | Number of new claims |
2001 | 17 |
2002 | 19 |
2003 | 20 |
2004 | 117 |
2005 | 106 |
2006 | 126 |
2007 | 136 |
2008 | 141 |
2009 | 140 |
2010 | 101 |
2011 | 137 |
2012 | 136 |
2013 | 158 |
2014 | 144 |
2015 | 138 |
2016 | 181 |
2017 | 179 |
2018 | 189 |
Pure breed: Dog registration forms allow owners to identify a primary and secondary breed for each dog. For the purpose of these statistics, the term “pure breed” refers only to those dogs that were registered without a secondary breed name listed.
Infringements: Infringements under the Dog Control Act 1996 that have been paid (in full), lodged with and ordered by the court.
New claims: The claim count equals the number of claims with an accident date in the stated financial year. Dog bite claims are claims for injuries defined as having a primary diagnosis of "contusion, crushing, laceration, puncture wound or soft tissue injury" caused by being "kicked, butted or bitten by a live dog".
Total cost (excl GST) in this FY: claim costs in NZ dollars ($). Payments made in the same year as the accident date.
Total cost (excl. GST) to date: claim costs in NZ dollars ($). Payments made in relation to the claim to date may include multiple years.
Total prosecutions: number of charges prosecuted under the Dog Control Act 1996.
Total dog destruction orders: number of charges under the Dog Control Act 1996 that resulted in a dog destruction order.
Data provided by
Department of Internal Affairs
Dataset name
Dog Control Statistics 2023
How to find the data
At URL provided, click on 'Dog Control Statistics (XLSX)' to download the file.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Dog Control Statistics 2023
From the dataset Dog Control Statistics 2023, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: raw data
- Range:
- Provided: 206,444 data points
This data forms the table Dogs - Dog control statistics 2001–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
July 2023
About this dataset
National Dog Database: Registration Information
- All years presented are a snapshot as at 31 May. The dog registration year is from 1 July - 30 June.
- The information presented is a statistical snapshot of what was currently listed on the National Dog Database (NDD) for the sector at the given date.
While the NDD contains information about owners that may be viewed by councils, such information is not made publicly available.
- The NDD snapshot statistics, some of which have been presented here, do not include any personal identifying information about individual dog owners.
- In order to maintain a national view of dog, owner, registration and infringement information from territorial authorities,
councils provide an electronic batch file to the NDD on a regular basis that includes any insertions, updates or deletions for dog, owner, registration and infringement information that has occurred in the batch period
- The NDD is maintained by Equinox IT on behalf of the Department of Internal Affairs. Neither Equinox nor the Department of Internal Affairs are responsible for the currency or accuracy of this information.
Accident Compensation Corporation - Dog bite claims information
- All years presented are as at 30 June.
- Fewer than 3 claims in a financial year are not recorded for individual councils; but, may be included in the sector total.
- The ACC statistics given to the Department of Internal Affairs, some of which have been presented here, do not include any personal identifying information.
Ministry of Justice - Dog Control Act prosecutions information
- All years presented are as at 30 June.
- The MoJ statistics given to the Department of Internal Affairs, some of which have been presented here, do not include any personal identifying information.
The Department of Internal Affairs disclaims and excludes all liability for any claim, loss, demand or damages of any kind whatsoever (including for negligence) arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this information.
Method of collection/Data provider
Information in this document was compiled from three sources:
- dog, owner, registration and infringement information from the National Dog Database (NDD) at the Department of Internal Affairs
- dog bite related claims and their cost from the Accident Compensation Corporation
- prosecutions and dog destruction orders under the Dog Control Act 1996 from the Ministry of Justice.