Births registered with the most popular male names in New Zealand
1848–2018, number of registered births
Name | Number of registered births |
John | 108,533 |
William | 87,239 |
James | 69,987 |
David | 62,774 |
Robert | 56,511 |
Michael | 51,768 |
Peter | 44,758 |
Thomas | 42,467 |
George | 39,195 |
Richard | 31,950 |
Andrew | 31,718 |
Paul | 29,426 |
Charles | 28,599 |
Christopher | 27,684 |
Daniel | 26,828 |
Mark | 25,525 |
Matthew | 24,726 |
Stephen | 23,115 |
Arthur | 20,996 |
Samuel | 20,980 |
Ian | 20,554 |
Joseph | 20,499 |
Edward | 20,463 |
Henry | 19,839 |
Brian | 19,738 |
Alexander | 19,013 |
Anthony | 18,475 |
Joshua | 17,758 |
Benjamin | 17,655 |
Kevin | 17,182 |
Raymond | 16,693 |
Frederick | 16,367 |
Jack | 15,954 |
Ronald | 15,881 |
Jason | 15,547 |
Kenneth | 15,413 |
Alan | 15,409 |
Donald | 15,078 |
Colin | 14,684 |
Albert | 14,650 |
Bruce | 14,561 |
Nicholas | 14,079 |
Craig | 13,525 |
Francis | 13,015 |
Patrick | 12,908 |
Alfred | 12,804 |
Allan | 12,722 |
Timothy | 12,660 |
Leslie | 12,456 |
Douglas | 12,248 |
Limitations of the data
This dataset does not include names of people born overseas whose birth was not registered in New Zealand.
As first and middle names are recorded in the system together, the first name has been split off from middle names by looking for the first space in the name. This means there may be names not correctly listed.
Records with no first name details have been excluded from this dataset.
Registrations with a sex other than Male or Female (e.g. indeterminate or not recorded) are excluded.
Data provided by
Department of Internal Affairs
Dataset name
Most Popular Baby First Names of All time 2019
How to find the data
Select "Top 350 names for Male and Female birth registration since 1848".xlsx file
Figure.NZ reorganised the data structure to allow for better data visualisation.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Most Popular Baby First Names of All time 2019
From the dataset Most Popular Baby First Names of All time 2019, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Top Names
- Range:
- Provided: 700 data points
This data forms the table Births - Top 350 baby names by sex 1848–2018.
Dataset originally released on:
February 2019
About this dataset
This dataset represents the top 350 male and female first names based on births registered in New Zealand since official records began in 1848