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Recorded proceedings for crimes in the Auckland City Police District, New Zealand

By offence type, 2023, number of proceedings

05001,0001,5002,000Traffic and vehicle regulatory offencesOffences against justice procedures, security and govt operationsTheft and related offencesActs intended to cause injuryDangerous or negligent acts endangering personsUnlawful entry with intent/burglary, break and enterPublic order offencesIllicit drug offencesProperty damage and environmental pollutionAbduction, harassment and other offences against the personProhibited and regulated weapons and explosives offencesRobbery, extortion and related offencesFraud, deception and related offencesSexual assault and related offencesMiscellaneous offencesHomicide and related offencesRecorded proceedings for crimes in the Auckland City PoliceDistrict, New ZealandBy offence type, 2023, number of proceedingsProvider: New Zealand Police