Estimated and projected population in the Western Bay of Plenty District, New Zealand
By age group, as at June 2018 (estimated), 2023–2048 (medium projection)
Year as at 30 June | Age group | Number of people |
2018 | 0-14 | 9,800 |
2023 | 0-14 | 10,300 |
2028 | 0-14 | 10,100 |
2033 | 0-14 | 9,800 |
2038 | 0-14 | 9,700 |
2043 | 0-14 | 9,600 |
2048 | 0-14 | 9,800 |
2018 | 15-39 | 14,000 |
2023 | 15-39 | 14,900 |
2028 | 15-39 | 15,400 |
2033 | 15-39 | 15,300 |
2038 | 15-39 | 15,200 |
2043 | 15-39 | 15,400 |
2048 | 15-39 | 15,500 |
2018 | 40-64 | 18,500 |
2023 | 40-64 | 19,200 |
2028 | 40-64 | 19,000 |
2033 | 40-64 | 19,500 |
2038 | 40-64 | 19,800 |
2043 | 40-64 | 20,300 |
2048 | 40-64 | 20,800 |
2018 | 65+ | 11,100 |
2023 | 65+ | 13,800 |
2028 | 65+ | 16,500 |
2033 | 65+ | 18,700 |
2038 | 65+ | 20,500 |
2043 | 65+ | 21,400 |
2048 | 65+ | 22,000 |