Research and development carried out in New Zealand which benefits the environment
2008–2022, NZD millions
Year | NZD millions |
2008 | 276 |
2010 | 283 |
2012 | 264 |
2014 | 279 |
2016 | 300 |
2018 | 373 |
2019 | |
2020 | 467 |
2021 | |
2022 | 593 |
2023 |
Research and development (R&D): R&D performed by enterprises are generally investigative work that is of actual or potential use in the development of new or enhanced materials, products, devices, processes, or services. R&D directed towards duplicating work already developed by others is only included if the knowledge or technology required for the development is not available to the enterprise.
Purpose of research: the sector or area that will ultimately benefit from the results,not the nature of the R&D itself. For example, software specifically developed for a food processing factory would be classified to manufacturing.
Data calculation/treatment
The 2023 survey was conducted from August to December 2023, and businesses were asked to report on their latest financial year for which information was available as at August 2023.
For more information
Only businesses that Stats NZ pre-identified as carrying out R&D are included. The business sector includes central and local government-owned trading enterprises.
The government sector excludes central and local government-owned trading enterprises but includes scientific research.
The higher education sector includes 8 universities (and their commercial arms).
Figures exclude GST.
In 2023, the survey was conducted for the business sector only. The government and higher education sectors are surveyed every two years and will be included in the 2024 survey.
Changes to data collection/processing
In 2019, 2021, and 2023, special iterations of the R&D survey were conducted for the business sector only.
The R&D survey has been conducted by Stats NZ since 2006. However, due to major survey changes, only data from 2016 onwards is directly comparable.
The government and higher education sectors are surveyed every two years and will be included in the 2024 survey.
A sample of 5,023 businesses was selected from a population of known R&D performers.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Research and Development Survey: Purpose of research and development by sector (Annual-Jun) 2023
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Industry sectors > Research and Development survey - RAD > Purpose of research and development by sector (Annual-Jun)'. All variables were selected to create this dataset.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Research and Development Survey: Purpose of research and development by sector (Annual-Jun) 2023
From the dataset Research and Development Survey: Purpose of research and development by sector (Annual-Jun) 2023, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 4-19
- Columns: 2-121
- Provided: 660 data points
This data forms the table R&D - Research and development expenditure by sector and purpose 2008–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
April 26, 2024
About this dataset
The Research and Development Survey, conducted every two years, is a joint survey with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). The survey measures the level of research and development (R&D) activity, employment, and expenditure by business sector enterprises, government departments, government-owned trading entities, and universities.
Method of collection/Data provider
The R&D Survey is a postal survey consisting of four questionnaires: a business questionnaire, a government questionnaire, a CRI questionnaire, and a higher education (universities) questionnaire. These questionnaires are specifically designed to capture data on R&D from these different organisation types.
The 2023 survey was conducted from August to December 2023 on the business sector only, and businesses were asked to report on their latest financial year for which information was available as at August 2023.