Māori people living in the Pakuranga electorate enrolled to vote in New Zealand
By age group and roll, as of 1 July 2024, number of people
Age group | Measure | Number of people |
18-24 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 274 |
18-24 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 179 |
25-29 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 197 |
25-29 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 192 |
30-34 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 201 |
30-34 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 174 |
35-39 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 156 |
35-39 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 150 |
40-44 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 168 |
40-44 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 132 |
45-49 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 167 |
45-49 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 110 |
50-54 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 176 |
50-54 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 98 |
55-59 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 137 |
55-59 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 86 |
60-64 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 117 |
60-64 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 76 |
65-69 | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 94 |
65-69 | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 56 |
70+ | Māori people enrolled on the General Roll | 167 |
70+ | Māori people enrolled on the Māori Roll | 68 |
Electoral roll: list of people who have enrolled to vote. New Zealand has two electoral rolls: the Māori Electoral Roll and the General Electoral Roll.
The general roll is open to all voters. The Māori roll is open to voters of Māori descent. No one can be on both rolls at the same time.
Data calculation/treatment
The population statistics by age group and area are sourced from Stats NZ. Population statistics for new electorates are not available.
Limitations of the data
The proportion of estimated eligible population enrolled can be above 100% as the latest population estimates and projections are based on census data, therefore they are subject to error.
The way population estimates are calculated has changed slightly over the years, to get more specific (i.e. limiting visa holders to those who are eligible, including overseas voters etc), so enrolment percentages may not be directly comparable through the years.
Changes to data collection/processing
From June 2020, enrolment data by electorate reflects the new boundaries and are therefore not always comparable with previous months. 36 electorates are unchanged. The boundaries of 30 general and 5 Māori electorates have been adjusted to some degree, while one new electorate has been created (Takanini).
11 electorates have new or amended names. For more information, please refer to https://elections.nz/democracy-in-nz/historical-events/boundary-review-2019-2020/
Data provided by
Dataset name
Enrolment Statistics: Māori enrolment - 1 July 2024
How to find the data
At the URL provided, download "Māori enrolment - 1 July 2024 [XLSX, 63KB]".
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Enrolment Statistics: Māori enrolment - 1 July 2024
From the dataset Enrolment Statistics: Māori enrolment - 1 July 2024, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Sheet1
- Range:
- Provided: 5,467 data points
This data forms the table Elections - Māori enrolment by electorate and age group July 2024.
Dataset originally released on:
July 01, 2024
About this dataset
Enrolment statistics are published every month by the Electoral Commission showing how many people of Māori descent are currently enrolled to vote broken down by electorate and age.
Purpose of collection
Voters of Māori descent can choose to be on the general roll or the Māori roll. The roll they choose decides which electorate and local council voting area they will vote in.
Method of collection/Data provider
The estimated eligible population is calculated for general electorates and includes those on the general and Māori rolls, because of the geographic overlap of general and Māori electorates.