Boys leaving school with at least NCEA level 3 or equivalent in New Zealand
Including university entrance award, by region, 2023, % of students leaving school
The following information applies to all values in the table.
Year: 2023, Gender: Male, Ethnic group: Total, Highest school qualification: NCEA level 3 or above (including a UE Award) (%)
NCEA: New Zealand's National Certificates of Educational Achievement (NCEA) are national qualifications for senior secondary school students.
Data calculation/treatment
School leavers are identified from the Ministry of Education's ENROL system, while highest school qualification is obtained from schools and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.
Data presented here is for school leavers with NCEA Level 3 and above (including University Entrance Award).
Ethnicity is multiple response, that is, students who affiliated in more than one ethnic group have been counted in each ethnic group. Students are only counted once in the total, therefore, the ethnic groups may not sum to the total.
To find specific regional data, select the region of your choice, then select School Qualifications > NCEA Level 3.
The Ministry provided Figure.NZ with a raw extract of all regions in January 2025.
From the dataset Know Your Region: School Qualifications - School leavers with at least NCEA level 3 or equivalent by ethnic group and gender, by Region 2021-23, this data was extracted: