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Offences carried out by boys aged 5-9 in New Zealand

By type, 2023, number of proceedings

05101520Property damageUnlawful entry with intent/burglary, break and enterTheft (except motor vehicles)Disorderly conductHarassment and threatening behaviourAssaultRegulated weapons/explosives offencesRobberyMotor vehicle theft and related offencesNon-assaultive sexual offencesDeceptive business/government practicesDefamation, libel and privacy offencesAbduction and kidnappingDriving licence offencesEnvironmental pollutionForgery and counterfeitingAttempted murderIllegal use of property (except motor vehicles)Import or export illicit drugsManslaughter and driving causing deathManufacture or cultivate illicit drugsBlackmail and extortionMurderBreach of community-based ordersObtain benefit by deceptionOffences against government operationsOffences against government securityOffences against justice proceduresOffensive conductOther acts intended to cause injuryOther dangerous or negligent acts endangering personsOther fraud and deception offencesOther drug offencesOther miscellaneous offencesPossess and/or use illicit drugsProhibited weapons/explosives offencesBreach of custodial order offencesPublic health and safety offencesReceive or handle proceeds of crimeRegulated public order offencesBreach of violence and non-violence ordersRegulatory driving offencesCommercial/industry/financial regulationSexual assaultDangerous or negligent operation of a vehicleDeal or traffic in illicit drugsTraffic and vehicle regulatory offencesOffences carried out by boys aged 5-9 in New ZealandBy type, 2023, number of proceedingsProvider: New Zealand Police05101520