Participation in active recreation among disabled children and young people in New Zealand
By selected top 40 sports and activities, 2023, % of young people aged 5-17
Response | % of young people |
Athletics or track and field | 5.4% |
Badminton | 3.7% |
Basketball or Mini-ball | 11.7% |
Bodyboarding or boogie boarding | 1.9% |
Cricket | 3.5% |
Cross-country | 5.6% |
Cycling or biking | 17.3% |
Dance/dancing (e.g. ballet, hip hop etc) | 11.0000000000000001% |
Football/Soccer | 14.6% |
Futsal | 2.00000000000000004% |
Games (e.g. four square, tag, bull rush, dodgeball) | 26.9% |
Group exercise class (e.g. aerobics, CrossFit, Jump Jam) | 8.7% |
Gymnastics (e.g. rhythmic, artistic) | 3.9% |
Handball | 3.7% |
Hockey or floorball | 4.0000000000000001% |
Indoor climbing | 2.1% |
Kapa haka | 5.8% |
Karate | 2.3% |
Ki-o-rahi | 2.2% |
Mountain biking | 4.5% |
Netball | 8.2% |
Parkour | 1.9% |
Playing (e.g. running around, climbing trees, make-believe) | 30.5% |
Playing on playground (e.g. jungle gym) | 24.1% |
Rollerblading | 2.7% |
Rugby league | 2.4% |
Rugby or Rippa Rugby | 6.7% |
Running or jogging | 45.6% |
Scootering | 13.0000000000000004% |
Skateboarding | 4.4% |
Swimming | 24.6% |
Table tennis | 3.3% |
Tennis | 3.6% |
Touch | 7.000000000000001% |
Tramping or bush walks | 8.4% |
Trampoline | 10.000000000000001% |
Ultimate Frisbee | 2.2% |
Volleyball or Kiwi Volley | 5.5% |
Walking for fitness | 31.2% |
Workout (weights or cardio) | 18.1% |