Teaching staff in State and State integrated schools in the Ashburton District, New Zealand
By sector, including day relief, 2005–2023, number of people
Year | Sector | Number of people |
2005 | Primary | 261 |
2006 | Primary | 265 |
2007 | Primary | 281 |
2008 | Primary | 287 |
2009 | Primary | 276 |
2010 | Primary | 293 |
2011 | Primary | 308 |
2012 | Primary | 308 |
2013 | Primary | 301 |
2014 | Primary | 297 |
2015 | Primary | 308 |
2016 | Primary | 312 |
2017 | Primary | 319 |
2018 | Primary | 334 |
2019 | Primary | 341 |
2020 | Primary | 327 |
2021 | Primary | 318 |
2022 | Primary | 345 |
2023 | Primary | 339 |
2005 | Secondary | 152 |
2006 | Secondary | 161 |
2007 | Secondary | 163 |
2008 | Secondary | 165 |
2009 | Secondary | 169 |
2010 | Secondary | 166 |
2011 | Secondary | 167 |
2012 | Secondary | 156 |
2013 | Secondary | 171 |
2014 | Secondary | 168 |
2015 | Secondary | 179 |
2016 | Secondary | 174 |
2017 | Secondary | 174 |
2018 | Secondary | 175 |
2019 | Secondary | 175 |
2020 | Secondary | 182 |
2021 | Secondary | 193 |
2022 | Secondary | 195 |
2023 | Secondary | 200 |
The territorial authority for a day relief teacher is based on the school they spent the most time doing relief work at.
Includes all teachers, both regular (permanent and fixed term) and day relief teachers.
Teachers can work in more than one role across a year. Here teachers are counted in their main role, which is the role that they worked the most hours in during the year.
Teacher: Employee on a teaching agreement and received at least one ‘normal’ salary payment for the year. Teachers who work in multiple roles are reported against the role in which they worked the most hours during the year.
Main teacher role: The main teacher role is defined as the role where the employee worked the most full-time teacher equivalents (FTTEs) during the entire year as a teacher
For more information
All types of teachers are included - fixed term, permanent and day relief staff.
Changes to data collection/processing
In 2018, the Ministry of Education developed a new data series for the schooling workforce. This is based on a calendar year, rather than a point in time (single pay run) as occurs with the old measure (which was based on the first pay run in April) The new data series therefore includes a greater number of teachers.
The new data series covers a twelve month period with the start of the year being the first pay period that is fully within January.
The new schooling workforce data series includes composite schools in the secondary sector.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Teaching Staff: Time Series All Teachers Headcount 2023
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Time Series: All Teachers Headcount 2004-2023' from under the 'Teacher Headcount: Time Series Data' heading.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Teaching Staff: Time Series All Teachers Headcount 2023
From the dataset Teaching Staff: Time Series All Teachers Headcount 2023, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Territorial Authority
- Range:
- Provided: 4,040 data points
This data forms the table Education - Teacher headcount in State and State Integrated Schools, by territorial authority 2004–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
June 2024
About this dataset
This data series presents demographic information on teachers in state and state integrated schools and covers a twelve month period with the start of the year being the first pay period that is fully within January.
Method of collection/Data provider
The size of the teaching workforce can be measured either as a headcount or in terms of full-time teacher equivalents (FTTE). FTTE data are only available from 2014 onwards - data from previous years are not comparable due to changes in definitions.