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Non-fatal work-related injuries that occurred to Asian people employed by New Zealand organisations

By injury type, 2023, number of claims

05,00010,00015,00020,000Soft tissue injuryLaceration,puncture,stingOther and unspecifiedFracture/dislocationForeign body in orifice/eyeBurns (burn,scald,corrosive injury)Gradual onset: Local inflammationConcussionDental injuryGradual onset: Pain syndromesGradual onset: Industrial deafnessAmputationGradual onset: Occupational diseaseGradual onset: Compression syndromeInhalation/ingestion (non-gradual)HerniaNon-fatal work-related injuries that occurred to Asian peopleemployed by New Zealand organisationsBy injury type, 2023, number of claimsProvider: Stats NZ