Publicly funded hospitalisations in the Lakes DHB, New Zealand
By sex, year ended June 2013–2021, number of hospitalisations
Year ended June | Sex | Number of hospitalisations |
2013 | Female | 15,429 |
2013 | Male | 12,335 |
2014 | Female | 15,635 |
2014 | Male | 12,856 |
2015 | Female | 15,837 |
2015 | Male | 13,532 |
2016 | Female | 16,813 |
2016 | Male | 13,636 |
2017 | Female | 17,115 |
2017 | Male | 13,945 |
2018 | Female | 17,072 |
2018 | Male | 14,073 |
2019 | Female | 17,181 |
2019 | Male | 14,299 |
2020 | Female | 16,435 |
2020 | Male | 13,555 |
2021 | Female | 18,385 |
2021 | Male | 15,495 |
Publicly-funded discharges: Publicly funded hospital events at public or private hospitals. When a patient is discharged from hospital, a clinical coder will assign an ICD code for the diagnosis and one for external cause of morbidity or mortality (if it applies).
Procedures: Hospital procedures. Codes are assigned using ACHI (Australian Classification of Health Interventions).
DHB: District Health Board region of patient's residence (based on domicile).
Number of hospitalisations: the number of hospital discharges or procedures in a given time period.
Rate of hospitalisations: the number of hospital discharges or procedures relative to the number of people in the population in a given time period. Hospitalisation rates are typically reported per 1,000 people in the population.
Data calculation/treatment
Rates are per 1,000 and age-standardised to the World Health Organization's standard world population. The populations used to calculate rates re by prioritised ethnicity and district health board (DHB) region. These population estimates were supplied to Te Whatu Ora as customised datasets from Stats NZ. The best available resident population (using estimates where possible, and projections otherwise) as at 30 June for each year was used for analyses.
Data provided by
Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand
Dataset name
National Minimum Dataset: Publicly funded hospitalisations in DHB regions 2021
How to find the data
At URL provided, under 'Publicly funded hospitalisations' tab select 'by DHB' and download 'Overview by DHB dataset'.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: National Minimum Dataset: Publicly funded hospitalisations in DHB regions 2021
From the dataset National Minimum Dataset: Publicly funded hospitalisations in DHB regions 2021, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-1,783
- Columns: 8-9
- Provided: 3,564 data points
This data forms the table Health - Publicly funded hospital discharges, injuries and procedures by sex and by DHB region of residence Year ended June 2013–2021.
Dataset originally released on:
August 2024
About this dataset
This dataset contains summarised data showing publicly funded hospitalisation data from Te Whatu Ora's National Minimum Dataset (NMDS) – Health New Zealand.
Method of collection/Data provider
The publicly funded data presented in this web tool includes all public and private health sector records reported by district health boards (DHBs) and other hospitals to Te Whatu Ora for patients discharged from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2020 and whose care was publicly funded.