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GDP breakdown by industry in New Zealand

Production measure, year ended March 2023, NZD billions (nominal)

010203040Professional, scientific and technical servicesOwner-occupied property operationConstructionHealth care and social assistanceRental, hiring and real estate servicesFinancial and insurance servicesWholesale tradeRetail tradeTransport, postal and warehousingEducation and trainingCentral government, defence and public safetyFood, beverage and tobacco product manufacturingAgricultureElectricity, gas, water and waste servicesAccommodation and food servicesInformation media and telecommunicationsOther servicesAdministrative and support servicesTransport equipment, machinery and equipment manufacturingArts and recreation servicesMetal product manufacturingCommercial fishing industries and primary support servicesWood and paper product manufacturingMiningPetroleum, chemical, polymer, and rubber manufacturingLocal government administrationNon-metallic mineral product manufacturingForestry and loggingFurniture and other manufacturingTextile, leather, clothing and footwear manufacturingPrinting and reproduction of recorded mediaGDP breakdown by industry in New ZealandProduction measure, year ended March 2023, NZD billions (nominal)Provider: Stats NZ010203040