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Asian people employed as sales workers in New Zealand

By ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of employed people aged 15+

05101520AfghaniBengaliCambodian ChineseBangladeshiPunjabiIndian (not further defined)CambodianSri Lankan (not further defined)Vietnamese ChineseChinese (not further defined)Sri Lankan TamilFijian IndianHong Kong ChineseEurasianVietnameseAsian (not further defined)Indian (not elsewhere classified)Indian TamilTibetanKoreanJapaneseLaoNepaleseTaiwaneseIndonesianMalaysian IndianSoutheast Asian (not further defined)ChinSinhaleseMalaysian ChineseSingaporean ChineseFilipinoKarenPakistaniSouth African IndianThaiSikhMalayAsian (not elsewhere classified)BhutaneseSoutheast Asian (not elsewhere classified)BurmeseAnglo IndianChinese (not elsewhere classified)MaldivianMongolianAsian people employed as sales workers in New ZealandBy ethnicity, 2018 Census, % of employed people aged 15+Provider: Stats NZ05101520