Conference and event organisers in New Zealand
By region, 2013 Census, rate per 1000 people employed
Region | Rate per 1000 people employed |
Auckland | 2.033466899678 |
Bay of Plenty | 1.160960759526 |
Canterbury | 1.210104371502 |
Gisborne | 0.9915716410511 |
Hawke's Bay | 1.180637544274 |
Manawatū-Whanganui | 0.8356462828663 |
Marlborough | 0.957199507726 |
Nelson | 1.458499071864 |
Northland | 0.6845631020488 |
Otago | 1.733983078717 |
Southland | 0.6862989767906 |
Taranaki | 1.026225769669 |
Tasman | 1.14854517611 |
Waikato | 1.237842617153 |
Wellington | 2.126440440568 |
West Coast | 0.5582433941198 |
An occupation is a set of jobs that require the performance of similar or identical sets of tasks by employed people aged 15 years and over.
A job is a set of tasks performed or designed to be performed by one person for an employer (including self-employment) in return for payment or profit.
The census data on occupation relates to the main job held by an individual in the seven days ending 3 March 2013. This is the job in which a person worked the most hours.
Data calculation/treatment
Confidentiality rules have been applied to all cells in this table, including randomly rounding to base 3. Individual figures may not add up to totals, and values for the same data may vary in different tables. 2013 Census data has been coded to the 2006 Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).
Figure.NZ calculated the rates per 1000 population as well as the rates per 1000 employed (male, female, total)
Limitations of the data
Non-response rate for 2013: 2.8 percent
At the lowest level of the classification there were some issues with incorrect coding. Occupation is a write-in response, so is subject to greater subjectivity, which can impact on the quality of data. Some written responses may be difficult to decipher, impacting on the quality of data from paper forms.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Census: Detailed Occupation by Sex and Region (absolute values and rates per 1000) 2013
How to find the data
This dataset was provided to Figure.NZ by Statistics NZ through a custom request
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Census: Detailed Occupation by Sex and Region (absolute values and rates per 1000) 2013
From the dataset Census: Detailed Occupation by Sex and Region (absolute values and rates per 1000) 2013, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Table 1
- Range:
- Provided: 128,268 data points
This data forms the table Census - Detailed occupation by sex and Regional Council (absolute values and rates per 1000) 2013.
Purpose of collection
Data from this variable is used to :
- analyse and monitor structural changes in the labour market, and plan for new demand in occupation resulting from technological or economic changes
- plan educational and training programmes
- make international comparisons
- analyse and classify socio-economic status in studies of social disadvantage, poverty, and equity
- study occupational accidents, mortality, and morbidity rates.