Commercial catch of triangle shell in New Zealand
Year ended September 2005–2019, tonnes
Year ended September | Measure | Tonnes |
2005 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2005 | Total catch | 19.8 |
2006 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2006 | Total catch | 28.1 |
2007 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2007 | Total catch | 46.6 |
2008 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2008 | Total catch | 8.9 |
2009 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2009 | Total catch | 12.9 |
2010 | Total allowable commercial catch | 406 |
2010 | Total catch | 10.1 |
2011 | Total allowable commercial catch | 725 |
2011 | Total catch | 21 |
2012 | Total allowable commercial catch | 725 |
2012 | Total catch | 82.7 |
2013 | Total allowable commercial catch | 725 |
2013 | Total catch | 171 |
2014 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,437 |
2014 | Total catch | 195.3 |
2015 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,437 |
2015 | Total catch | 247 |
2016 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,437 |
2016 | Total catch | 375.1 |
2017 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,542 |
2017 | Total catch | 346.4 |
2018 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,542 |
2018 | Total catch | 296.5 |
2019 | Total allowable commercial catch | 2,542 |
2019 | Total catch | 293.1 |
Due to rounding, figures may not sum to totals and some numbers may appear as zero.
TACC (Total Allowable Commercial Catch): The total allowable commercial harvest of fish.
Asset value: Monetary value of a species derived from average values per tonne for transactions during the fishing year (year ended September). These transactions are for the transfer of individual commercial fisheries quota managed under the QMS. The values are in market prices (current prices).
Freshwater eels (South Island): previously labelled freshwater eels.
Long-finned freshwater eel: previously labelled long-finned eel.
Oysters dredge: includes the Foveaux Strait dredge oyster.
Rock lobster: includes spiny (red) rock lobster and packhorse rock lobster.
Changes to data collection/processing
Revisions in 2016 are due mainly to the recalculation of the moving average discount rate. Revisions in earlier years are due to using deemed values to infill price gaps that would otherwise occur for the most valuable species and Eel species.
On 1 October 2016, South Island Eel Stocks (ANG) were separated and are managed as individual LFE and SFE stocks. The stock split for ANG13 comes into effect on 1 February 2017 as this QMA has a February to January fishing year.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Environmental-Economic Accounts: Fish monetary stock account CSV 2020
How to find the data
At URL provided, download 'Fish monetary stock account: 1996–2020 – CSV'.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Environmental-Economic Accounts: Fish monetary stock account CSV 2020
From the dataset Environmental-Economic Accounts: Fish monetary stock account CSV 2020, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-5,334
- Column: 7
- Provided: 5,333 data points
This data forms the table Environment - Fish monetary stock account 1996–2019.
Dataset originally released on:
February 28, 2020
About this dataset
Environmental-economic accounts show how our environment contributes to our economy, the impacts of economic activity on our environment, and how we respond to environmental issues.
The fish monetary stock account presents a time series of the asset value of New Zealand’s commercial fish resource, based on quota values. Asset values are derived from the quota and annual catch entitlement (ACE) values of the resource as managed under the Quota Management System (QMS).
Purpose of collection
The time series shows trends in the total asset value of New Zealand’s commercial fish resource and trends in the asset values of selected species, which can be used for analysis by government and the wider community.