Qualification level of domestic tertiary students in New Zealand
By gender, 2023, thousands of students enrolled
Gender | Qualification | Number of tertiary students |
Female | Level 1 certificate | 12,445 |
Female | Level 2 certificate | 11,880 |
Female | Level 3 certificate | 28,330 |
Female | Level 4 certificate | 32,825 |
Female | Level 5-7 certificate and diploma | 25,510 |
Female | Bachelor degree | 76,545 |
Female | Graduate diploma/certificate | 5,565 |
Female | Honours or postgraduate diploma/certificate | 15,425 |
Female | Masters degree | 11,665 |
Female | Doctorate degree | 3,500 |
Male | Level 1 certificate | 5,455 |
Male | Level 2 certificate | 8,640 |
Male | Level 3 certificate | 17,915 |
Male | Level 4 certificate | 29,625 |
Male | Level 5-7 certificate and diploma | 16,895 |
Male | Bachelor degree | 43,480 |
Male | Graduate diploma/certificate | 2,200 |
Male | Honours or postgraduate diploma/certificate | 11,920 |
Male | Masters degree | 6,115 |
Male | Doctorate degree | 2,230 |
Students are counted in each ethnic group they identify with, so the sum of the various ethnic groups may not add to the total.
Students are counted in each qualification type/level they enrol in, so the sum of the various types/levels may not add to the total.
Totals also include those students indicating gender diversity and with unknown values.
Domestic students: those studying here with New Zealand/Australian citizenship or permanent residence status.
International students: those studying here without New Zealand/Australian citizenship or permanent residence status. Students studying off-shore at tertiary education providers that are registered in New Zealand are considered international students unless they hold New Zealand citizenship.
Data calculation/treatment
Data relates to students enrolled at any time during the year with a tertiary education provider in formal qualifications of greater than 0.03 EFTS (more than one week's full-time duration).
Students are counted in each group they identify with, so the sum of the various groups may not add to the total.
Totals also include those students with unknown values.
Data in this table, including totals, have been rounded to the nearest 5 to protect the privacy of individuals, so the sum of individual counts may not add to the total.
Data includes those private training establishments that received Student Achievement Component funding, and/or had students with student loans or allowances, and/or Youth Guarantee programmes.
Data excludes all non-formal learning and on-job industry training.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Tertiary Education Participation: Provider based enrolments 2023
How to find the data
At URL provided, download the file 'Provider-based enrolments'.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Tertiary Education Participation: Provider based enrolments 2023
From the dataset Tertiary Education Participation: Provider based enrolments 2023, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: ENR.8
- Range:
- Provided: 1,980 data points
This data forms the table Tertiary Education - Domestic students by ethnic group, gender and qualification type/level 2014–2023.
Dataset originally released on:
April 2024
About this dataset
These statistics relate to students enrolled in tertiary education providers by a range of demographic and other characteristics.