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Barriers to taking part in more physical activities among young people aged 12-14 in New Zealand

2021, % of young people within age group

010203040Too busyIt's too hard to motivate myselfI'm too tired / don't have the energyI prefer to do other thingsI'm not confident enoughI don't have the equipment I needI'm not fit enoughI already do a good amount of physical activityNo places nearby to do what I want to doI have no one to do it withThe weatherNot enough PE offered at schoolPE / fitness classes at school are not funToo hard to get to training, games or competitionsMy family can't afford itI don't want to failMy friends aren't physically activeCan't fit it in with other family member's activitiesMy school doesn't offer physical activities I'm interested inI don't like other people seeing me being physically activeI'm injuredMy parents want me to focus on my schoolwork / other activitiesI find physical activity boringI don't know how toI don't feel welcomeI am not interested in sport or physical activityOther people discourage me from being physically activeBecause of Covid-19I don't like to sweatAnother reasonI'm too sickI don't feel safeI have a disability that prevents me from participatingThe season hasn't started yetWould like to do more sport but can't fit it in with other sports commitmentsSchoolwork/homework takes up most of my timeIt's school holidaysI need to have some downtime for rest, play and funBarriers to taking part in more physical activities among youngpeople aged 12-14 in New Zealand2021, % of young people within age groupProvider: Sport New Zealand010203040