Apprentices training to be painters and decorators in New Zealand
2009–2018, number of people
Year | Number of people |
2009 | 425 |
2010 | 380 |
2011 | 350 |
2012 | 885 |
2013 | 1,175 |
2014 | 1,160 |
2015 | 1,005 |
2016 | 880 |
2017 | 730 |
2018 | 725 |
Occupation is derived from programme name, qualification details, field of study and ITO coverage. They don't correspond to any official classification.
Learners are counted once in each occupation they are recorded in. Learners may participate in multiple occupations and summing across will produce a number greater than the overall total.
Workplace training: also known as trade or industry training, involves learning and earning money while you work. Apprenticeships are one type of workplace training. This can be done in a range of hands-on industries.
Trainees: non-apprentice industry training learners. Their main programme with an industry training organisation (ITO) does not meet the New Zealand Apprenticeships criteria.
Apprentices: Modern Apprentices, New Zealand Apprentices and trainees whose programme meets or exceeds the NZ Apprenticeships criteria. "Industry training apprentices" are trainees whose main programme meets or exceed the NZ Apprenticeships criteria, that is, consisting of 120 or more credits and set at Level 4 or higher of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework.
Industry training organisations (ITOs): organisations responsible for arranging training for apprentices through the New Zealand Apprenticeships Scheme (since 2014)
Data calculation/treatment
Industry training learners are counted once in each year within each fund and/or type of training. Learners may be counted in more than one category in a year. The total is a count of distinct people in total in each year.
Data has been rounded to the nearest 5 to protect the privacy of individuals, so the sum of individual counts may not add to the total.
Unless otherwise specified the data does not refer to a specific point in time, but all learners throughout the entire calendar year.
Limitations of the data
The definitions of trainees and apprentices used here may differ from those used by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
This data counts of industry training learners, regardless of whether their activity was funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) in the year shown.
Changes to data collection/processing
Counts from 2000 may not be comparable with previous years because of changes to reporting systems.
In January 2014, the Modern Apprenticeships programme and other apprenticeship training was replaced by the nationwide New Zealand Apprenticeships.
Differences between the old and new apprenticeship schemes include:
- Modern Apprenticeships were designed for people between the ages of 16 and 21, but New Zealand Apprenticeships are available to anyone over the age of 16.
- Under the Modern Apprenticeships scheme you could work towards a Level 3 national certificate, but under the New Zealand Apprenticeships programme you must work towards a minimum of a Level 4 national certificate.
Existing Modern Apprentices will continue to get the level of support and subsidy that they currently receive until the end of 2017, or until they finish their apprenticeship.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Tertiary Education Participation: Participation in industry training 2018
How to find the data
At URL provided, download the file 'Participation in industry training'.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Tertiary Education Participation: Participation in industry training 2018
From the dataset Tertiary Education Participation: Participation in industry training 2018, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: ITP.15
- Range:
- Provided: 660 data points
This data forms the table Education - Apprentices by occupation 2009–2018.
Dataset originally released on:
June 2019
About this dataset
This dataset relates to trainees enrolled in workplace-based learning, including industry training and Apprenticeships.