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People who usually go to work by ferry in Auckland, New Zealand

By local board area, 2023 Census, % of employed people where information available (aged 15+)

01234WaihekeWaitematāAotea/Great BarrierDevonport-TakapunaAlbert-EdenŌrākeiUpper HarbourKaipātikiMaungakiekie-TāmakiHowickŌtara-PapatoetoeWaitākere RangesWhauPapakuraFranklinHenderson-MasseyHibiscus and BaysManurewaMāngere-ŌtāhuhuRodneyPuketāpapaPeople who usually go to work by ferry in Auckland, New ZealandBy local board area, 2023 Census, % of employed people where information available (aged 15+)Provider: Stats NZ