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Households with access to a mobile phone in Auckland, New Zealand

By local board area, 2023 Census, % of households where information available

020406080100RodneyFranklinWaitākere RangesHibiscus and BaysŌrākeiDevonport-TakapunaWaihekeKaipātikiUpper HarbourHowickHenderson-MasseyAlbert-EdenPuketāpapaWhauMaungakiekie-TāmakiPapakuraManurewaMāngere-ŌtāhuhuŌtara-PapatoetoeWaitematāAotea/Great BarrierHouseholds with access to a mobile phonein Auckland, New ZealandBy local board area, 2023 Census, % of households where information availableProvider: Stats NZ