General Election voters and non-voters in New Zealand
By age group, 2017 General Election, number of people enrolled
Age group | Measure | Number of people |
18-24 | Voters | 230,783 |
18-24 | Non-voters | 102,381 |
25-29 | Voters | 183,209 |
25-29 | Non-voters | 87,958 |
30-34 | Voters | 191,438 |
30-34 | Non-voters | 78,653 |
35-39 | Voters | 200,650 |
35-39 | Non-voters | 69,357 |
40-44 | Voters | 217,663 |
40-44 | Non-voters | 62,093 |
45-49 | Voters | 248,192 |
45-49 | Non-voters | 62,023 |
50-54 | Voters | 248,967 |
50-54 | Non-voters | 54,979 |
55-59 | Voters | 251,537 |
55-59 | Non-voters | 47,537 |
60-64 | Voters | 222,242 |
60-64 | Non-voters | 35,482 |
65-69 | Voters | 201,523 |
65-69 | Non-voters | 26,925 |
70+ | Voters | 409,650 |
70+ | Non-voters | 64,767 |
Voters: electors who were eligible to cast a vote and who voted.
Non-voters: electors who were eligible to cast a vote and who did not vote.
Electorate: The electorate reported for a voter is the electorate that the person was enrolled in at the time of election day roll closure. There were 71 electorates in 2017.
Data calculation/treatment
The number of non-voters reported is calculated from the total enrolled population and the number of votes cast by electors enrolled in the electorate.
The difference between the total numbers of voters in this report and in the official results is due to disallowed votes, dual votes and clerical errors in the marking of the master roll.
Total enrolled for each electorate includes all people who were enrolled at the date of election day roll closure (including people on the unpublished roll).
Data provided by
Dataset name
General Election Statistics: Voter Turnout Statistics 2017
How to find the data
At URL provided, select the hyperlink to the Excel spreadsheet and download.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: General Election Statistics: Voter Turnout Statistics 2017
From the dataset General Election Statistics: Voter Turnout Statistics 2017, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Voting by electorate & age
- Range:
- Provided: 3,965 data points
This data forms the table Elections - Voter turnout by electorate and age for the 2017 General Election.
Dataset originally released on:
April 18, 2018