Students at or above National Standards for reading in the Bay of Plenty Region, New Zealand
By year level, 2015, % of students within year level
Year level | Measure | % of students |
After 1 Year | Above standards for reading | 22.3% |
After 1 Year | At standards for reading | 40.8% |
After 2 Years | Above standards for reading | 36.5% |
After 2 Years | At standards for reading | 40.4% |
After 3 Years | Above standards for reading | 35.5% |
After 3 Years | At standards for reading | 44.3% |
End of Year 4 | Above standards for reading | 38.6% |
End of Year 4 | At standards for reading | 43.2% |
End of Year 5 | Above standards for reading | 35.2% |
End of Year 5 | At standards for reading | 45.4% |
End of Year 6 | Above standards for reading | 40.3% |
End of Year 6 | At standards for reading | 43.7% |
End of Year 7 | Above standards for reading | 30.9% |
End of Year 7 | At standards for reading | 42.2% |
End of Year 8 | Above standards for reading | 30.5% |
End of Year 8 | At standards for reading | 46.3% |
Data calculation/treatment
Ethnicity is prioritised.
'Other' region = Correspondence School
Limitations of the data
In considering this data please note that this information:
- May, for privacy reasons, be partially or fully blocked out.
- Is an aggregation of student achievement information at one point in time.
- Is aggregated across all students and, therefore, reflects the sum of all learning across students. It does not indicate the achievement levels of the individual students whose data has contributed to aggregated data.
- Cannot be used as a proxy for school quality or as the sole indicator of school performance because there are numerous variables that influence student performance.
- Should not be used as a basis for ranking schools or as the sole basis for comparing schools as this would be misleading and potentially harmful.
However, data derived from National Standards and Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori policy makes a useful contribution to the range of information available as Public Achievement Information.
The National Standards focus on reading, writing and mathematics in years 1 to 8.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Know Your Region: National Standards - Reading, by year levels, by Region 2015
How to find the data
To find specific regional data, select the region of your choice, then select National Standards > Reading.
The Ministry provided Figure.NZ with a raw extract of all regions in November 2016.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Know Your Region: National Standards - Reading, by year levels, by Region 2015
From the dataset Know Your Region: National Standards - Reading, by year levels, by Region 2015, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-145
- Columns: 3-11
- Provided: 1,296 data points
This data forms the table National Standards - Reading, by year levels, by Region, 2015.
Purpose of collection
The underlying intention of National Standards and Ngā Whanaketanga Rumaki Māori policy is that student achievement information be used alongside a range of other information to inform improvement, whether individual student information, school-level information as presented here, or when aggregated at the system level.