Cases of notifiable diseases in New Zealand
Where at least one case was recorded, excluding Covid-19, 2023
Disease | Number of notifications |
Acute gastroenteritis | 461 |
Arboviral diseases | 68 |
Brucellosis | 4 |
Campylobacteriosis | 6,089 |
Cholera | 1 |
Cryptosporidiosis | 831 |
Diphtheria | 3 |
Giardiasis | 897 |
Haemophilus influenzae b | 4 |
Hepatitis A | 34 |
Hepatitis B | 19 |
Hepatitis C | 31 |
Hepatitis (viral) not otherwise specified | 8 |
Hydatid disease | 2 |
Invasive pneumococcal disease | 757 |
Legionellosis | 229 |
Leprosy | 4 |
Leptospirosis | 170 |
Listeriosis | 37 |
Malaria | 54 |
Measles | 14 |
Mpox | 8 |
Mumps | 16 |
Neisseria meningitidis invasive disease | 59 |
Pertussis | 141 |
Rabies and other lyssaviruses | 1 |
Rheumatic fever | 183 |
Rickettsial disease | 4 |
Salmonellosis | 827 |
Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli | 1,006 |
Shigellosis | 122 |
Tetanus | 1 |
Tuberculosis | 317 |
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever | 99 |
Yersiniosis | 1,408 |
Disease: Diseases notifiable to the Medical Officer of Health under the Health Act 1956 and the Tuberculosis Act 1948 (
Individual disease definition is found here
Please note only acute cases of Hepatitis B and C are notifiable.
Notifiable disease data collected and reported by agencies other than ESR is not presented in this dataset i.e., acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and other spongiform encephalopathies, lead absorption equal to or in excess of 0.48 µmol/L, and poisoning arising from chemical contamination of the environment.
Not every case of acute gastroenteritis is necessarily notifiable, only those where there is a suspected common source or from a person in a high risk category (for example, a food handler, an early childhood service worker) or single cases of chemical, bacterial, or toxic food poisoning such as botulism or toxic shellfish poisoning.
Data provided by
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited
Dataset name
New Zealand Notifiable Diseases Statistics 2023
How to find the data
At the URL provided, click on the 'Download' button.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: New Zealand Notifiable Diseases Statistics 2023
From the dataset New Zealand Notifiable Diseases Statistics 2023, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: DiseasebyAgeGroup
- Range:
- Provided: 689 data points
This data forms the table Health - Notifiable diseases by age group 2023.
Dataset originally released on:
February 2024
Purpose of collection
The main purpose of surveillance is to provide information for action. Information provided by regular surveillance reports enables effective monitoring of rates and distribution of disease, detection of outbreaks, monitoring of interventions, and predicting emerging hazards.