Estimated population of the Auckland Region, New Zealand
By broad age group, at 30 June 1996–2018, number of people
Year ended June | Age group | Number of people |
1996 | 0-14 | 255,600 |
1996 | 15-39 | 451,400 |
1996 | 40-64 | 296,500 |
1996 | 65+ | 112,300 |
2001 | 0-14 | 277,800 |
2001 | 15-39 | 469,900 |
2001 | 40-64 | 351,000 |
2001 | 65+ | 119,600 |
2006 | 0-14 | 298,200 |
2006 | 15-39 | 525,100 |
2006 | 40-64 | 415,600 |
2006 | 65+ | 134,000 |
2013 | 0-14 | 311,500 |
2013 | 15-39 | 539,400 |
2013 | 40-64 | 472,500 |
2013 | 65+ | 169,800 |
2018 | 0-14 | 324,100 |
2018 | 15-39 | 630,300 |
2018 | 40-64 | 503,400 |
2018 | 65+ | 197,000 |
Data calculation/treatment
The estimated resident population of each ethnic group at 30 June in the census year is based on the census usually resident population counts updated for:
- non-response to the census ethnicity question
- net census undercount (as measured by a post-enumeration survey)
- residents temporarily overseas on census night
- births, deaths and net migration between census night and 30 June
- reconciliation with demographic estimates at the youngest ages.
The estimated resident population is not directly comparable with the census usually resident population count because of these adjustments.
For more detailed information about the methods used to calculate each base population, see
Individual figures may not sum to stated totals due to rounding.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Estimates and Projections: Estimated resident population (ERP), subnational population by ethnic group, age, and sex, at 30 June 2018
How to find the data
At the URL provided, customise the selection by choosing 'Total New Zealand by regional council/statistical area 2' under 'Area'. All remaining variables were selected to create this dataset.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Estimates and Projections: Estimated resident population (ERP), subnational population by ethnic group, age, and sex, at 30 June 2018
From the dataset Estimates and Projections: Estimated resident population (ERP), subnational population by ethnic group, age, and sex, at 30 June 2018, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-44,974
- Column: 6
- Provided: 43,200 data points
This data forms the table Population - Estimated resident population by region, age, sex and ethnic group at June 1996–2018.
Dataset originally released on:
September 23, 2020