Estimated economic impact of Artificial Intelligence in New Zealand
By industry, compared to baseline scenario in 2035, NZD billions (at 2015 prices)
Industry | Estimate | NZD billions (at 2015 prices) |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | High estimate | 1.199329852843 |
Agriculture, forestry and fishing | Low estimate | 0.5249749758929 |
Mining | High estimate | 0.2812114202741 |
Mining | Low estimate | 0.1243189907083 |
Manufacturing | High estimate | 6.313008202213 |
Manufacturing | Low estimate | 2.60925246321 |
Electricity, gas, water and waste services | High estimate | 1.468739194534 |
Electricity, gas, water and waste services | Low estimate | 0.6328987722257 |
Construction | High estimate | 5.842445590726 |
Construction | Low estimate | 2.439389644847 |
Wholesale trade | High estimate | 3.35912847723 |
Wholesale trade | Low estimate | 1.405529951305 |
Retail trade | High estimate | 3.655879166135 |
Retail trade | Low estimate | 1.507358570388 |
Accommodation and food services | High estimate | 2.049804955491 |
Accommodation and food services | Low estimate | 0.8495908014885 |
Transport, postal and warehousing | High estimate | 3.334953701374 |
Transport, postal and warehousing | Low estimate | 1.391222523186 |
Information media and telecommunications | High estimate | 1.529238685359 |
Information media and telecommunications | Low estimate | 0.6377032344572 |
Financial and insurance services | High estimate | 6.408267531535 |
Financial and insurance services | Low estimate | 2.609150395293 |
Rental, hiring and real estate services | High estimate | 2.228540870932 |
Rental, hiring and real estate services | Low estimate | 0.9909225933547 |
Professional, scientific and technical services | High estimate | 5.027527560787 |
Professional, scientific and technical services | Low estimate | 2.174667153622 |
Administrative and support services | High estimate | 2.329430270305 |
Administrative and support services | Low estimate | 0.9604198591937 |
Education and training | High estimate | 2.037706709092 |
Education and training | Low estimate | 0.8817005225895 |
Health care and social assistance | High estimate | 3.638119140809 |
Health care and social assistance | Low estimate | 1.565284379413 |
Arts and recreation services | High estimate | 2.026863972375 |
Arts and recreation services | Low estimate | 0.8233136218796 |
Other services | High estimate | 0.8926024802068 |
Other services | Low estimate | 0.3848192809467 |
AI (Artificial Intelligence): using neural networks and other algorithms to enable machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and machine vision.
Limitations of the data
These estimates are intended to illustrate the economic potential of AI but should not be interpreted as forecasts. The Sapere analysis relies on assumptions and has a number of caveats outlined in the final report.
AI applications are in their infancy in New Zealand and, in some cases, in the world. This means that the estimates are subject to a relatively high degree of uncertainty compared to more mature technologies
Data provided by
Dataset name
Digital Nation New Zealand: Economic impact analysis of Artificial Intelligence 2018
How to find the data
This data was supplied to Figure.NZ directly from the organisation who undertook the research.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Digital Nation New Zealand: Economic impact analysis of Artificial Intelligence 2018
From the dataset Digital Nation New Zealand: Economic impact analysis of Artificial Intelligence 2018, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: results
- Range:
- Provided: 38 data points
This data forms the table Technology - Estimated impact of AI by industry in real terms 2035.
Dataset originally released on:
April 11, 2018
Method of collection/Data provider
Sapere Research Group, an economic consultancy, undertook an analysis of broad potential impacts of Artificial Intelligence technology in New Zealand to calculate estimates of net economic benefits. The estimated impacts show the additional economic activity that could be generated under reasonable uptake of AI in 2035 relative to a baseline scenario of no uptake.