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Charts (100+)
Tables (42)
Return on equity for the specialist medical
services industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for rail, water, air and
other transport industries
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the rock lobster and
crab potting industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the non-metallic
mineral product manufacturing industry
2013–2023, %
Liabilities structure ratio for the medical
and other health care services industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the stationery goods
retailing industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for clothing, knitted
products and footwear manufacturing industries
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the nursery
production industry (outdoors)
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the architectural
services industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the commission-based
wholesaling industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the agricultural and
construction machinery wholesaling industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the site preparation
services industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Liabilities structure ratio for the rental,
hiring and real estate services industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the medical and
surgical equipment manufacturing industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the aged care
residential services industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Liabilities structure ratio for the printing
and reproduction of recorded media industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the sport and camping
equipment retailing industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the repair and
maintenance industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the furniture
manufacturing industry
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the freight forwarding
services industry
By turnover band, 2019, %
Liabilities structure ratio for the preschool
education industry
2013–2023, %
Liabilities structure ratio for recreational,
clothing, and accessories retail industries
2013–2023, %
Return on equity for the arts education
By turnover band, 2019, %
Return on equity for the flower retailing
By turnover band, 2019, %
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