Dependent: Child of a migrant attending primary or secondary school in New Zealand while the migrant is working or studying in New Zealand
Fee Paying: With this visa you can study full-time in New Zealand. Student visa conditions require you to attend the place of study endorsed on your visa. You can work up to 20 hours a week. This also includes Distance Education, English language studies, pathway visas, and vocational nautical visas.
Scholarship: This includes exchange students and students on a scholarship.
Immigration & Protection Tribunal Order (IPT): the Tribunal determines appeals concerning decisions such as residence visas, refugee status, and deportations. A student visa may be issued as a result of an IPT Order
Humanitarian: A student visa issued for humanitarian reasons eg. asylum seekers.
Section 61: The Minister may at any time grant any type of visa to a person who is unlawfully in New Zealand (e.g. their visa has expired), as long as a deportation order is not in force.
Data calculation/treatment
Immigration NZ meet their legal obligation to protect personal information by randomly rounding totals in the tool base three. This is best practice from Stats NZ. It does mean figures can be different to their previously published data.
Changes to data collection/processing
Immigration NZ have made some changes to student visa holders substreams in our Population dataset. In particular:
Renamed the Exchange Student substream to Scholarship.
Reclassified a number of application criteria which were previously grouped under the Other substream:
Scholarship holder, Fee Scholarship, Full scholarship holder, and Fee scholarship only criteria are now classified under the Scholarship substream.
Child of NZ cit/res and Oct 2000 - Dependent Student criteria are now classified under the Dependent substream.
The Distance Education criterion is now classified under the Fee Paying substream.
From the dataset Migration Data Explorer: S1 Student Visa Decisions 2024, this data was extracted:
Sheet: S! AS DT
Range: D2:D125
Provided: 114 data points
Dataset originally released on:
January 2025
Purpose of collection
This migration data is collected to address the overarching research themes and enduring questions that relate to migration in New Zealand
Method of collection/Data provider
This is a measure of the number of visa applications in New Zealand, with breakdowns by visa type and demographic characteristics, at specific points in time.