Skilled occupation: ANZSCO has five levels underlying its occupational structure. An occupation is skilled if it has an ANZSCO level commensurate with an NCEA level 4
qualification, or above.
Total skilled = Skilled + semi-skilled + highly skilled
Total unskilled = Low skilled + unskilled
Skilled occupation: ANZSCO has five skill levels underlying its occupational structure. An occupation is a skilled occupation if it has an ANZSCO skill level of 3 (a skill level commensurate with an NCEA level 4 qualification) or above.
Industry: The industry groupings are derived by synthesising the common characteristics of the different job boards. These are self-selected by advertisers from a drop-down menu.
Data calculation/treatment
Seasonal adjustment aims to eliminate the impact of regular seasonal events on the time series. In the case of the labour market, there are cyclical events that occur at around the same time each year that affect labour supply and demand. For example, in summer time there is a large pool of student labour that is both available for, and actively seeking, work. There is also an increased demand for labour in the retail sector and in many primary production industries.
The number of jobs is normalised to an index called All Vacancies Index. This was set at 100 for the December 2010 period.
From the dataset Jobs Online: Seasonally adjusted data December 2023, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Data
Range: AD10:AJ62
Provided: 371 data points
Dataset originally released on:
January 31, 2024
About this dataset
Jobs Online measures changes in job vacancies advertised by businesses on four internet job boards – SEEK, Trade Me Jobs and the Education Gazette, and Kiwi Health Jobs.
Purpose of collection
Jobs Online is an important new indicator of labour market conditions. One of its main advantages is that it is extremely up-to-date, with results being published within a couple of weeks of the end of the reference quarter. Jobs Online provides a robust early indicator of changes in the labour market.