Māori Business - Changes to credit facilities by enterprise type 2014 & 2018
Stats NZ
Māori authority: having a Māori business flag on the Business Register. This flag denotes:
• business with a collectively managed asset, which uses current Inland Revenue eligibility criteria to be a Māori authority (irrespective of whether the enterprise elects to be a Māori authority for tax purposes)
• commercial business that supports the Māori authority’s business and social activities, and sustains or builds a Māori authority’s asset base
• business that is at least 50 percent owned by a Māori authority.
A Māori small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) is a business or enterprise with the following characteristics:
• the business owner(s) define it as a Māori business
• it is not owned by another enterprise
• it is not a Māori authority
• it has at least one employee (including any proprietor paid as an employee) and fewer than 100 employees.
Maori tourism business information presented in this dataset comes primary from member list of New Zealand Māori Tourism and was expanded on by adding any other Māori authority or business where those enterprises, or a business location belonging to those enterprises, was engaged in a selected range of ANZIC06 industry:
• all of division accommodation and food services
• interurban and rural bus transport
• rail passenger transport
• water passenger transport
• scenic and sightseeing transport
• motor vehicle and transport equipment rental and hiring
• travel agency services
• all of division arts and recreation services.
For more information
Limitations of the data
The businesses covered are not an exhaustive list of all Māori enterprises. Stats NZ focus on businesses they can readily identify as Māori enterprises. Some examples of the type of enterprises known to be missed include small businesses with an average turnover of less than $30,000, or those with fewer than six employees.
These statistics are provisional, and updates in the series may be incorporated in subsequent releases.
The Business Operations Survey has limitations due to small sample sizes and sample design.
Data provided by
Dataset name
Tatauranga Umanga Māori: Business operations rates, credit facilities 2018
How to find the data
At URL provided, select 'Tatauranga umanga Māori – Statistics on Māori businesses: 2017–18 – CSV' zipped file. Open 'Business operations rates, credit facilities 2014 & 2018' file.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Tatauranga Umanga Māori: Business operations rates, credit facilities 2018
From the dataset Tatauranga Umanga Māori: Business operations rates, credit facilities 2018, this data was extracted:
- Rows: 2-25
- Columns: 4-7
- Provided: 96 data points
Dataset originally released on:
June 07, 2019
About this dataset
This data is derived from the Business Operations Survey, which is used to collect performance measures from New Zealand businesses to better understand the practices and behaviours they undertake which may have an impact on their performance. These statistics feed into policy and microdata research that helps identify the current situation of the New Zealand business environment, as well as potential areas of improvement. The survey covers all businesses in New Zealand that have 6 or more employees, and have been active for one year or more.
Method of collection/Data provider
This data was sourced from module D, Business Finance, of the Business Operations Survey 2018
Businesses were asked the following question:
• Over the last financial year, how have the business's existing credit facilities changed?