Prior participation rates and numbers: It shows many children have regularly attended Early Childhood Education (ECE) in the six months prior to starting school. The prior ECE participation rate is defined as (number who had regularly attended ECE /(number who had regularly attended ECE + number who had not regularly attended ECE))*100. The number of students with unknown prior ECE attendance has been excluded (from both the numerator and denominator) when calculating participation rates.
Ethnic group: The ethnic groups that the child belongs to coded to; European/ Pākehā, Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, and Other. Students with unknown ethnicity are not shown separately but are included in the Totals. Students who identify with more than one ethnic group are counted in each group they identified with. Therefore, the number of students in the 'Total' column will generally be less than the sum of the students in each group.
School decile: The school decile of the school that the Year 1 child is enrolled in. It is a measure of socio-economic status, so the higher its value, the better is the socio-economic status of the area where the school is located. In tables with numbers of children attended in ECE by decile, the total also includes those children attending home schooling, the Correspondence School and students whose school campus has no decile information available.
The data relates to all New Zealand citizens or residents who started schooling during the 12 months prior to the end of the month shown.