Tax - Overdue debt by debt value bands 2002–2017
Inland Revenue
Overdue tax debt: The amount of tax that remains unpaid after the due date for payment. Overdue tax debt includes any penalty and interest applied to the debt.
Overdue child support debt: The amount of an employer's or a liable parent's liability which is in arrears (due, but not paid), together with overdue receiving carer overpayments. Child support debt excludes debt Inland Revenue collect on behalf of overseas agencies. This amount includes any penalties applied to the debt. Note that only the overdue penalties component is recognised as a debt from the Crown perspective.
Definitions of terms used in this dataset can be found at
Data provided by
Dataset name
Tax Statistics: Overdue debt by debt value bands 2017
How to find the data
At URL provided, download the Excel data for 'Overdue debt by debt value bands 2008 to 2017'.
Import & extraction details
File as imported: Tax Statistics: Overdue debt by debt value bands 2017
From the dataset Tax Statistics: Overdue debt by debt value bands 2017, this data was extracted:
- Sheet: Archive
- Range:
- Provided: 768 data points
Dataset originally released on:
December 07, 2017
About this dataset
This dataset provides the composition of overdue tax debt and overdue child support debt by dollar value bands. The breakdown is presented for both the value of debt and the proportion of debt cases.
Method of collection/Data provider
Tax statistics include only data collected by Inland Revenue.
Some numbers in the tables are rounded, which means the totals are not always consistent with the sums across the corresponding categories.
Tax statistics are dynamic and are continuously updated due to return filing processes. The data is correct as of the date of extraction.