Crew are counted multiple times at each region and port each June year based on unique voyage numbers. You can't add together Region and port data, as passengers are identified at all regions and ports visited.
The ‘unique passengers’ total is a count of each cruise ship passenger once only over the year, based on unique passport number. This reflects that a passenger can appear as an arrival, a departure, or both, and ensures a cruise ship passenger is counted only once over the year. It takes into account those who completed part of their journey into or out of New Zealand by air.
Limitations of the data
Visits to a port do not necessarily mean passengers disembarked and spent money locally. For example, most passengers visiting Fiordland do not disembark, although sometimes an overland connection between Fiordland and Dunedin is available.
Domestic cruises within New Zealand waters are excluded from the statistics. Estimates for international passengers and crew airfares are currently not included, neither are cruise expenditure by domestic passengers (New Zealand passport holders).
From the dataset Cruise Ship Traveller And Expenditure Statistics: Year ended June 2020, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Table 5
Range: C7:H47
Provided: 246 data points
Dataset originally released on:
October 08, 2020
About this dataset
Cruise ship traveller and expenditure statistics include the number, characteristics, and expenditure of cruise ship travellers, including passengers and crew, and region/port statistics.
Purpose of collection
About three-quarters of cruise ship passengers visiting New Zealand are transit passengers. Transit passengers who do not complete border clearance are not included in International Travel and Migration statistics. This data collection measures the volume and contribution of travellers that would otherwise be only partially captured by other official statistics.
Method of collection/Data provider
Cruise ship traveller and expenditure statistics are reported on a year ended June basis to best align with the cruise season.
Cruise ship traveller statistics are based on ‘advanced passenger information’ supplied by cruise ship crew to Customs NZ under the Customs and Excise Act 1996. The statistics are dependent on the quality of this information together with the ship schedule supplied by the New Zealand Cruise Association to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Revisions to port statistics reflect the combined impact of improvements to card transaction expenditure source data and the refinement of cruise related data from providers.