The results from the International Visitor Survey are subject to measurement errors, including both sampling and non sampling errors. These errors should be considered when analysing the results from the survey.
Changes to data collection/processing
Prior to July 2013, the sampling of the International Visitor Survey was ‘Flight based’ - a stratified cluster sample of departing international flights with quota sampling of individual respondents.
In July 2013 the current version of the International Visitor Survey was adopted after an 18 month redevelopment process.
The questionnaire and mode of delivery of the International Visitor Survey was significantly changed in July 2013.
From the dataset International Visitor Survey: IVS pivot table June 2019, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Country_data
Range: D2:D925
Provided: 924 data points
Dataset originally released on:
August 22, 2019
Purpose of collection
The purpose of the International Visitor Survey is to provide accurate, quarterly national information on the characteristics, behaviour and expenditure of international visitors.
Method of collection/Data provider
The International Visitor Survey is a sample survey of approximately 9,800 international visitors to New Zealand aged 15 years or older per year, excluding individuals whose purpose of visit to New Zealand was to attend a recognised educational institute, and are foreign-fee paying students.