Highest qualification is derived for people aged 15 years and over, and combines highest secondary school qualification and post-school qualification to obtain a single highest qualification by category of attainment.
Data calculation/treatment
Percentages were calculated by Figure.NZ. Proportions are calculated by dividing the count of qualifications by Total Stated, within each industry AND occupation category.
Limitations of the data
Confidentiality rules have been applied to all cells in this table, including randomly rounding to base 3.
Individual figures may not add up to totals, and values for the same data may vary in different tables.
From the dataset Census: Qualifications by occupation by industry 2013, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Table 2
Range: D11:E272710
Provided: 398,333 data points
About this dataset
This dataset represents the population count of employed individuals aged 15+ by Industry ANZSIC06 Level 1 and 2, occupation ANZSCO Level 3, and highest qualification.
Method of collection/Data provider
This data was collected as part of the Census 2013