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Social Housing - Housing register by territorial authority 2019 Q2–2024 Q2

Ministry of Social Development


Housing Register: Register of applicants assessed as eligible for social housing who are ready to be matched to a suitable property.
Priority A: People who are considered ‘at risk’ and includes households with a severe and persistent housing need that must be addressed immediately. The household is unable to access and/or sustain suitable, adequate and affordable alternative housing.
Priority B: People who have a ‘serious housing need’ and includes households with a significant and persistent need. The household is unable to access and/or sustain suitable, adequate and affordable alternative housing.
Household composition: The people who will be living in the same house as the applicant. This may include extended family or boarders who are permanent members of the household and provide or receive financial, physical and emotional support.
Number of bedrooms required: The number of bedrooms the applicant is assessed as requiring based on the details of the people that will be living in the same house as the applicant.
Prioritised ethnicity: Applicant ethnicity is voluntary, is self-identified and multiple ethnicities may be chosen by an individual as fits their preference or self-concept. Multiple selected ethnicities are then prioritised into a hierarchy.

Data provided by

Ministry of Social Development

Dataset name

Social Housing Register: Housing Register as at 30 June 2024


How to find the data

At URL provided, download 'Housing Register – June 2024 (Excel 98.58KB)' under the 'Download the latest numbers for the Transfer Register' heading.

Import & extraction details

File as imported: Social Housing Register: Housing Register as at 30 June 2024

From the dataset Social Housing Register: Housing Register as at 30 June 2024, this data was extracted:

  • Sheet: TA summary
  • Range: C5:W72
  • Provided: 1,428 data points

Dataset originally released on:

August 2024

About this dataset

The Housing Register includes applicants assessed as eligible for social housing who are ready to be matched to a suitable property.