For each site, NIWA merged temperature records from local sites to form a long time series. The data are adjusted for climatic differences between sites and changes in exposure or instrumentation at the same site. This prevents the introduction of significant biases with time.
This data was also converted to global mean annual temperature anomalies (difference from normal), based on the same period we use for the New Zealand data (1981–2010)
NIWA's 'seven-station' temperature series uses temperature measurements from seven 'climate stations' (NIWA). The sites offer a representative geographical spread with reliable records dating back to the early 1900s.
From the dataset Environmental Reporting: Annual average temperature anomaly 1909–2013, this data was extracted:
Rows: 2-1,794
Column: 5
Provided: 1,785 data points
Dataset originally released on:
October 02, 2015
Purpose of collection
The primary purpose of the dataset is to provide a long time series which represents the nation-scale state of climate with respect to temperature in New Zealand.