Collections Unit: The agency that carries out the financial determinations of the courts. Our key role is the collection and enforcement of unpaid court imposed fines, reparation and infringements referred to the court for collection.
Impositions: All fines, fees and reparation that have been sent to court for collection within the time period.
Under arrangement: A fine status indicating it is subject to an agreement about how it is to be resolved.
Reparation: A monetary order or sentence where the defendant is ordered to pay a sum of money to the victim for suffering harm, loss, or damage arising from the offence.
Receipts: Total amount of fines, fees and reparation that have been received within the time period.
Outstanding: Any amount of a fine, fee or reparation that is still owed.
Data calculation/treatment
The values in this dataset do not sum to the closing outstanding balance. This is because the closing outstanding balance is comprised of impositions, arrangements, pending arrangements, appeals and reviews, and fines under enforcement.
Balances are as at 31 December.
At the URL provided, navigate to the 'Justice services' heading. Under "Collections" click on 'View or download the collections data tables [XLSX, 50 KB]'.