Enterprise: A unit or business entity operating in New Zealand. It can be a company, partnership, trust, estate, incorporated society, producer board, local or central government organisation, voluntary organisation, or self-employed individual.
Data calculation/treatment
The figures are percentages of businesses that responded within the industry. The total for an industry may not sum to 100, as respondents may select more than one initiative.
Due to rounding, figures may not add to the stated totals.
From 2016, the year in the release title reflects the year in which the survey was run.
This is a change from previous years. For example, when the survey was run in 2015, the data was published as 2014 data.
Therefore there is no gap in the annual series.
At URL provided, select 'Industry sectors > Energy Use Survey - EUS > Energy management initiatives by Industry (Annual-May)'. All variables were selected to create this dataset.
From the dataset Energy Use Survey: Energy management initiatives by Industry (Annual-May) 2018, this data was extracted:
Rows: 4-13
Columns: 2-507
Provided: 1,639 data points
Dataset originally released on:
October 17, 2018
Purpose of collection
This survey is used to collect statistics about the energy used by all types of New Zealand businesses, in the primary, industrial, trade, and services sectors. Organisations provide information on how much energy they use, which allows Stats NZ to publish data at industry and national levels for different energy types. The energy types include electricity, petrol, diesel, coal, natural gas, and renewable energy.
Method of collection/Data provider
The survey was posted out in April each year, with a reference period of the last financial year for which the business had results available in May.
The Energy Use Survey has been designed as a rolling survey: different industry groupings (ANZSIC06) are surveyed every year, with the objective that the whole economy is covered in three years.