Tenure of household indicates whether a household in a private dwelling rents, owns, or holds that dwelling in a family trust; and whether payment is made by the household for the right to reside in that dwelling.
Tenure of household does not refer to the tenure of the land on which the dwelling is situated.
A dwelling held in a family trust is owned by the family trust, so the household does not directly own the dwelling.
Households reporting more than one means of access to telecommunication systems have been counted in each stated category. Therefore the total number of responses in the table will be greater than the total number of households.
Limitations of the data
This time series is irregular. Because the 2011 Census was cancelled after the Canterbury earthquake on 22 February 2011, the gap between this census and the last one is seven years. The change in the data between 2006 and 2013 may be greater than in the usual five-year gap between censuses. Be careful when comparing trends.
Data is displayed at URL provided. This data was selected by choosing Customise > Selection, and selecting all variables. Download by selecting Export and selecting desired download format. Calculation of percentages was done by Figure.NZ.