Volume: Cubic metres of ready mix concrete produced.
Region: By current local government regional boundaries (includes the three main metropolitan areas).
Target population: All ready-mixed concrete producing activity units in New Zealand. Producers are separated into regions according to current local government regional boundaries.
Population covered: The survey is full coverage of the target population.
Changes to data collection/processing
In 1995, it was decided to change the classification of the regions. Previously regions were classified by the Ready Mixed Concrete Association to which respondents belonged. Due to the limited usefulness for research purposes, it was decided to use local government regions. Statistics for the new regions were calculated back to the March 1992 quarter.
At URL provided, select 'Industry sectors > Secondary Production - SEP > Ready mixed concrete by region (AST) (Annual-Dec)'. All variables were selected to create this dataset.
From the dataset Production Survey - Ready-mixed Concrete: Ready Mixed Concrete by region (Annual-Dec) December 2024, this data was extracted:
Rows: 4-36
Columns: 2-72
Provided: 297 data points
Dataset originally released on:
February 12, 2025
Purpose of collection
The Ready-Mix Concrete survey collects information on ready-mix concrete production in New Zealand. It has been published on a quarterly basis since 1992. Its purpose is to obtain an indication of trends in the quarterly volume of ready-mix concrete produced in New Zealand.