Exclusion is the formal removal of a child from school or kura if they are under 16 years. If a child is excluded from their school or kura then they must enrol at another school or kura.
Data calculation/treatment
In this indicator, the age distributions of students in each subgroup and year have been standardised to (or weighted by) the set of age-specific exclusion/expulsion rates for all New Zealand.
As exclusions are highest for ages 13 to 15, and expulsions peak at age 16, standardising for age will remove any differences due to one group having a younger or older population than other groups, or if the overall age distribution has changed from year to year. As such, the standardised rate is an artificial measure, but it does provide an estimate of how groups, or overall rates by year, might more fairly compare if they had the same age distribution.
students from schools which are not receiving public funding