Total recoverable volume: this is the volume of timber recovered during harvest. The TRV does not include bark.
Total standing volume: this is the total standing volume of timber contained in all live crop stems. The TSV includes some non-recoverable volume, like stumps and the non-merchantable tops of stems, but excludes bark.
Crop type: defined as an aggregate of forest stands of the same species and tending regime within the same wood supply region for the NEFD.
Pruned: refers to pruning carried out before age 12 so that more than 50% of stems in the planned final crop stocking will contain a pruned butt log of at least 4 meters in length.
Species group: New yield tables have been produced for:
- radiata pine (Pinus radiata)
- Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Stand: The area of standing trees or forest usually of 1 species, age, and tending regime.
Production thinning: The extraction of thinnings for commercial use. Stands that have been production thinned produce a smaller clear-felled volume than stands that have not been production thinned.
Current annual increment: It represents the rate at which an area of forest is growing. In this report CAI is expressed as m3/ha/year and is the difference in TRV between 2 successive ages. In the year following a production thinning the CAI is not reported because thinning decreases the TRV, so the CAI does not reflect the growth of the remaining standing trees over that year.
At URL provided, download the latest 'Yield tables'. Note that this data has been collated and formatted by MPI for Figure.NZ, so the data available to download from our site is different to that available on MPI's website.
From the dataset National Exotic Forest Description: Forest Region Yield 2014, this data was extracted:
Rows: 2-11,681
Column: 8
Provided: 11,630 data points
About this dataset
The National Exotic Forest Region Yield tables give the forest industry the underlying data used to produce wood availability forecasts. New Zealand's major forest owners and managers provided information to construct the yield tables which are part of the National Exotic Forest Description (NEFD) database.
The yield tables are a tabular representation of forest yield in cubic meters per hectare (m3/ha). The yield table is expressed in terms of total standing volume (TSV), total recoverable volume (TRV), and volumes of 3 generic log types, together with any production thinning volumes by age (1 to 40 years). There are yields for each crop type.