The number of new cancers reflects the number of primary tumours rather than the number of individuals with cancer.
Data calculation/treatment
Rates are expressed per 100,000 population and age-standardised to the WHO World Standard Population. The population is based on official estimates as at 31 December.
Limitations of the data
Caution is advised when interpreting rates derived from small numbers as they may fluctuate markedly from year to year.
Multiple cancers with the same site and same morphological group are excluded.
From the dataset Cancer: Historical cancer data 2021, this data was extracted:
Sheet: Regs_Female
Range: B2:AS75
Provided: 3,256 data points
Dataset originally released on:
December 14, 2023
About this dataset
This data provides high-level data on historical registrations (or cases) and deaths, including information about the cancer types and breakdowns by gender variables.
Method of collection/Data provider
Cancer registrations data are from the New Zealand Cancer Registry, and cancer deaths data from the New Zealand Mortality Collection. Both are held by Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.