Highest qualification is derived for people aged 15 years and over, and combines highest secondary school qualification and post-school qualification to obtain a single highest qualification by category of attainment.
Industry is the type of activity undertaken by the organisation that employs the individuals.
Personal Income represents the before-tax income for people in the 12 months ending 31 March 2013.
Income may be from a variety of sources e.g. salary and wages, business, interest and dividends from investments, benefits etc.
Median and Means are calculated using randomly rounded counts and rounded to the nearest $100.
The ICT Sector includes the following ANZSIC codes: J542, J580, J591, J592, F349, M700, C241, C2421, C2422 & C2429.
The High-tech Manufacturing Sector includes the following ANZSIC codes: C243, C239, C184, C244, C181, C245, C246, C249, C231 , C241, C2421, C2422 & C2429.
The Tech Sector is the sum of the two groups above.
From the dataset Digital Nation New Zealand: Qualifications and Incomes in the Tech Sector 2016, this data was extracted:
Sheet: NZIER Analysis
Range: C3:D22
Provided: 40 data points
Dataset originally released on:
June 21, 2016
Purpose of collection
These tables were published on Figure.NZ as digital support for the NZTech report titled "Digital Nation New Zealand, from tech sector to digital nation”. The aim of this report is to deepen understanding and discussions about the benefits technology brings and the role that it could play in redefining the New Zealand we live in.
NZTech is a not for profit organisation whose purpose is to create a prosperous New Zealand led by a vibrant technology sector. NZTech engaged independent economic consultancy, the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) to analyse the sector and provide input into this report. Given the complexity of the task, another independent economic consultancy, Sapere was engaged to provide a peer review.