Principal: Includes principals and 2nd principals
Management: Includes deputy principals, associate principal, 2nd deputy principals, and assistant principals
Teacher: Includes all types of teachers (excluding resource teachers), and careers advisors
Resource Teachers: includes resources teachers for Maori, for literacy, for visually impaired students, for intellect impaired students, for hearing impaired students, for learning behaviour, and learning support. It also includes assistants for severe disabilities and cluster managers (Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour)
Community Education: includes community education coordinators, tutors, assistant coordinators, and liaison assistants
Guidance: includes guidance counsellors and guidance counsellor trainees
Therapists: includes speech language therapists
Data calculation/treatment
Please note this data is a snapshot as at the beginning of April, not the full year. It does not include day relief teachers. This methodology has been discontinued by the Ministry of Education so these figures are no longer available on their website.
Teaching staff that are reported here include principals, management, class room teachers, resource teachers, guidance counselors and therapists.
Information on private school teachers is collected separately via the annual 1 March roll collection.
This data does not include day relief teachers.
Changes to data collection/processing
With changes in teacher designations from 2013, the Middle Management designations were removed, and these staff have been merged into Teachers. The Senior management category has been renamed Management from 2013.
From 2013 onwards, 'Teacher - Resource Hearing Impaired' and 'Cluster Manager RTLB (Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour)' are included in Resource Teachers
From the dataset Teaching Staff: Teacher Headcount (grouped by Designation & Gender) by Territorial Authority 2017, this data was extracted:
Sheet: 2017
Range: C5:I211
Provided: 1,449 data points
Method of collection/Data provider
Information about State and State Integrated school teachers is obtained from the Ministry of Education's teacher payroll data warehouse. The data reported on State and State Integrated teaching staff represents those employed at the beginning of April.