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Energy - Oil indigenous production by field in petajoules (Annual) 1974–2023

Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment


Indigenous production: oil produced in New Zealand.
Non-energy use: Use of fuels to produce non-energy products. Non-energy products are products where neither the raw energy source used to produce the product nor the product itself is combusted. Examples include bitumen and lubricants.
Transformation: Energy transformation refers to the conversion of primary energy to more useful forms of energy. It includes activities such as electricity generation, oil refining and other transformation as well as losses.
Stock in Transit: stock in domestic waters at month end in the process of being shipped (this was previously included under stock change, and has been split out for transparency).

Crude: Unprocessed petroleum.
Condensate: A natural gas liquid with a low vapour pressure compared with natural gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas. Condensate is mainly composed of propane, butane, pentane and heavier hydrocarbon fractions.
Naphtha: Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
Natural Gas Liquids: naturally occurring elements found in natural gas. They are used as petrochemical feedstocks (ethane), in residential, commercial and auto gas applications (propane), and for gasoline blending (butane). NGLs are sourced from gas wells or associated with crude oil.
LPG - Liquified Petroleum Gas: A mix of hydrocarbons under light pressure that can be burned for energy.
Other Petroleum Products: Includes bitumen, lubricants, solvents, waxes, petroleum coke, white spirit and other liquid fuels.


Regular petrol includes regular leaded (to December 1986) and regular unleaded (from January 1987).
Premium petrol includes premium leaded (to December 1995), premium unleaded (from January 1996) and premium unleaded 98.
'Industrial' excludes fuel used for electricity generation, as this is counted under energy transformation.

Changes to data collection/processing

A new method has been used to estimate how much of petrol and diesel sold in service stations is being used for recreational marine purposes. This reallocates some of these fuels from domestic transport to residential, starting in 1990.

Data provided by

Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment

Dataset name

Energy in New Zealand: Oil June 2024


How to find the data

At URL provided, click on 'Data tables for oil'.

Import & extraction details

File as imported: Energy in New Zealand: Oil June 2024

From the dataset Energy in New Zealand: Oil June 2024, this data was extracted:

  • Sheet: Annual_PJ
  • Range: B13:AY41
  • Provided: 1,450 data points

Dataset originally released on:

August 24, 2024

About this dataset

This dataset contains information on oil production, imports, exports, stock change, refining, and consumption in New Zealand.